Mages, ten-man raiding, and other things that are awesome.

An Epic Secret Santa Gift

So way back in November, I signed up for the Secret Santa gift exchange on Twitter. It was a lot of fun in 2012. I can’t show you what I sent to my Secret Santa this year because it has her actual name on it. I can, however, show you what I received in the mail today…

I made this post with Millya’s paperdoll image in it ages ago. Here’s the image, anyway, if you don’t want to click over there.

milldollpreviewThat’s just a preview size; the full-sized print ready image is linked in the post itself. But you get the idea. I made up a bunch of fun outfits for Millya before transmog even existed as such. Later, when I wanted to use an avatar from the image, I made this one:


Because what mage wouldn’t dress up as Howl if they could? So that’s been my profile picture off and on for a few years now. Little chibi-Howl-Millya. Little did I know that when my Secret Santa present arrived, I would open it up and find THIS:


Please excuse my terrible photography. I was excited. I took another picture too:


It is a cross stitched MILLYA. AS HOWL. Be still, my heart! Upon opening the card it was revealed that my Santa was the very talented @Kialesse from Twitter. Needless to say, I love it and I am so impressed. She even had it matted and framed up so that I can pop it right on the wall. I’ll do that as soon as I decide where. I’m thinking pride of place right above my computer monitor so I can look at it often.

So that is the story of the SS gift I consider myself very fortunate to have received. Well worth the wait! Especially after delivery snafus. Apparently UPS put the package on my doorstep last night, but I didn’t know until this morning and poor Kia was freaking out. I’m really glad it was there, it would’ve been too awful if something had happened to it. Who knew they delivered things that late!? Anyway, crisis averted. Draenei delivered. The wrapping paper was even a sort of shiny draenic purple, haha.

Thank you, Kia!

Comments on: "An Epic Secret Santa Gift" (8)

  1. That’s awesome! My sister-in-law does (or used to) cross stich, so I’m truly impressed.

    (For a minute there I thought you were holding the cross stitch up by your fingertips until I realized it was the reflection of the glass from your table. 😉

    • Hah! It’s the reflection in the framed glass. 😀 I am actually excited to show it to my Mom, she cross stitches and I am sure she’ll be impressed.

  2. Eluna In Real Life said:

    That is really awesome!

  3. That is too cool! Nice job, Kia!

  4. Very cool! I have been doing something similar with the allomantic metal art from Sanderson’s Mistborn books and that has been difficult despite it just being one-color symbols. Kia did a great job of tackling a much more complex image!

  5. That is wonderful.

  6. beautiful 😀

  7. That is utterly brilliant, and truly a labor of love! Well-done, Kia!
    I’d love to do a WoW-themed cross-stitch someday, if only I could decide what I wanted to depict.

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