Mages, ten-man raiding, and other things that are awesome.

Friday Linking Love

This is what happens when I have to draw something in five minutes because it's a contest on Twitter. This is how I feel about lighting things on fire.

These are some blog entries this week that I enjoyed – because there are many awesome entries out there for the reading! I could pretend this will be a Thursday-Friday thing, but let’s be honest, I’ll probably just do it on any day that I remember and name it after that particular day.

Without further ado:

Natalie over at Pocket Heals has five tips to help you to beat the pre-expansion blues, and they’re good ones! I’m still putting off cleaning my bank character’s junk, though.

Beruthiel writes how she copes with juggling her leadership responsibilities even when she’s really not in the mood. She wants us to know that the people in charge get tired, too! Sounds like someone’s got a case of the Mondays…

Antigen from Haz Mace, Will Raid writes a thought-provoking post about the burden of being a hybrid, and he’s not talking about slightly lower DPS. Well worth a read for any class that’s capable of multiple specs – and even for those of us playing pures – sometimes it’s important to think about what things are like for other folks.

I’m late to the party on this one, but Kiss My Alas just turned a year old! Head on over and wish her a happy Blogaversary! I don’t like how that word sounds like “adversary.” Maybe I’m just spelling it wrong.

If you haven’t been reading Rades’ Letters From Northrend at Orcish Army Knife you are missing out! You can read a missive from the Time Lost Proto Drake, all about how Xevozz is back in business, and even Arugal. I’ve really been enjoying them. All they need now is more draenei.

My friend Snack (you might remember him from such guests posts as: From Bad To Less Bad: Pugging As a Tool To Improve) started a blog of his own! Here he writes about how he and Liala  have been schooling lowbies to respect their business area. That’s not exactly how he put it. I expect great things of him and this blog! By the way, it may also interest you to know that the odds Liala was tanking while walking on a treadmill are pretty high. How’s that for skill?!

Finally, last but not least, Payce is blogging again! And he has an awesome story about the Red Shirt Guy. I’m not going to get into it here if you don’t already know who the Red Shirt Guy is. Youtube will tell you all about it if you don’t know. It sounds like being the Wildhammer Fact Checker is paying off for him.

Comments on: "Friday Linking Love" (12)

  1. Say Vid, I don’t suppose you’re planning on writing a post about what you like/don’t like about the fire spec?

    I gathered from Voss’ post that you’re the primary source of the insane cackling with glee…

    • I have a post in the works! I have so many posts in the works, I’m like a force that can’t be contained. I’m not complaining! I’ll bump it up on my priority list if you are interested.

  2. Oh, and thanks for the links!

    Rades has been doing the Nanowrimo thing in an unusual way, but it’s been a boon for us.

  3. Pffft, I wasn’t walking,I was drunk! I mean… uh… We actually school our LFD groups in the late, late evening hours, so I was- sadly- sitting for them. And drinking. But don’t tell Snack.

    • LE GASP! I’m not sure what’s worse, the drinking or the sitting.

      I mean, one says you aren’t sharing, and with some of the pugs we’ve had…

      The other says … well, I guess if you’re doing the first, the second isn’t following.

  4. Thanks for the link love Vid on THE SNAZZY NEW BLOG! I will see about writing up a Draenei story! I just wish there were more with interesting stories in Northrend. But we’ll see!

  5. Vid, I love you for posting that treadmill article!!!!

    This new site looks awesome! I can’t convince Gaia to let me make ours look prettier.

    • Haha. Are you all set to get a treadmill arrangement of your own now, Roksi? Liala is a bit crazy, but lovable. I can’t do the treadmill thing myself as we already have an elliptical machine and limited storage possibilities for exercise equipment. I did find myself eyeing it sideways wondering if I could cram a laptop on there, though…

  6. I love the new blog, it looks delightful. 🙂 I know I’m late saying that, but I didn’t want to skimp out entirely. I particularly like how much more personalized it is.

  7. Also, thank you for the linking! I hope I figure out how to not suck at this blogging thing before too long. >_>

  8. Thank you for the link love Vid! I just got off a work weekend and it was a warm fuzzy feeling to read your post! =) I hope the tips are helping people! I might add a number 6 — pick up a weekend job and don’t take your laptop out of town with you! Hehehe…I did miss it a…tiny bit.

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