Mages, ten-man raiding, and other things that are awesome.

Tuesday Art Day: Daily Quests

This was my contribution to the Twitter Secret Santa Art Trade this year, done for Fyreuni of Daily Quests. There’s a version with text, if Fyreuni chooses to use it as a guest comic I’ll link to it, otherwise here is the non-texty version.

Fyreuni, Vas, and Fyreuni's pet collection.

I decided to do both Fyreuni and Vas because most times they are together in the comic and interacting (i.e. Fyreuni is griefing Vas in the best possible way). You’ll notice that bunny is totally messing up his hair. As far as the pets go, I included all pets that Fyreuni actually has, with a bias towards ones that I wanted to draw (d’aww little armadillo, boo Lil’ Taregosa). I am especially fond of the armadillo and the panther cub Fyre is holding. I did this more or less the same way that I do From Draenor With Love, which is very cartoony/chibi-esque and with no lines. It’s a time-consuming way to work but I like the results, at least for now.

As far as backgrounds go, I changed the background a few times, initially having them be in the Dalaran pet store but later changing to the little parkish area alongside the sewers. I didn’t like the indoor lighting, and it’s actually pretty dim in there. This is better. It’s actually unlikely that Horde would hang out here, I think, because it’s really more on the “Alliance” side of Dalaran. (Neutral city isn’t as neutral as they’d have you believe!)

Anyway, I hope you all had/are having a good holiday. This is really more of a “Wednesday Art Day” post, but I’m sure that doesn’t really matter.


Comments on: "Tuesday Art Day: Daily Quests" (7)

  1. Fantastic piece of art there! The use of vibrant colours are a good choice 🙂

  2. Love it so much! Grats to Fyre!

  3. Aww I like it. It really does brighten up my day . even if it is after the said day 🙂

  4. Ur a gud drawer!

    *sorry in advance. luv you!*

  5. Awesome job, as always! 😀 I love its colorfulness. ❤

  6. I hope Fyreuni does post it as a guest comic, because I’m intensely curious to see what they’re saying!
    All the little critters are adorable, and I love the expression on Vas’s face 😀

  7. The style reminds me a lot of Three Panel Soul.

    That’s a good thing. 🙂

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