Mages, ten-man raiding, and other things that are awesome.


I went back and forth on whether I should post about this or not. I also asked Voss if he was okay with it (Voss being my spectacular husband, fellow officer and all around great guy, if you’re new here). He said it was okay, so I am going to write about it very briefly. Mostly Manalicious doesn’t have very much that’s personal, but this is going to be personal.

I know that having long times between posts (especially when my last post was called ‘Knowing when it’s time to let go’) is bad. First and foremost:

  • I’m not quitting WoW.
  • I am still playing, and raiding.
  • I still feel like I have a lot to say about many things and Manalicious isn’t going anywhere.

That said, it’s been hard for me to focus as my family has been going through some troubles requiring my attention, and this week we got some terrible news.

Back in 2008, Voss’ dad had chemotherapy for ganglionic cancer, I’m not sure if that’s the correct terminology in English as I get most of these descriptions in French. Anyway, his chemo then was pretty successful and he’s been well since – his hair grew back in, and he is one of the most ridiculously healthy people I know. He runs and goes to the gym and eats well.

Thursday he called to tell Voss that his cancer has come back and it’s pretty bad. It is being biopsied but he may need to have surgery to diagnose it correctly and then after that he’s going to be starting rounds of intensive chemotherapy – requiring that he be in hospital for a week at a time, in complete isolation. His chances of survival are about 50/50. Needless to say, the two of us were devastated by this news and feeling stuck because we want to help but his dad lives in Montreal and we are pretty far from Montreal. So over the next several months we don’t know what’s going to happen – we’re definitely going to be taking an unplanned trip to Montreal, possibly several. Right now it’s the uncertainty and the fear that makes everything hard, as I’m sure anyone who’s gone through this with a family member or themselves can understand. We will have to be unavailable to raid and won’t be able to play at all, but we’re not sure when. It depends on the outcome of this initial diagnosis.

What does that mean for Manalicious? I’m a bit distracted, is mostly what it means. I could post this and then be hit by a fit of productivity and write three posts, or I could not post for a little while, and I apologize for that. I’ve always tried to maintain a fairly regular update schedule of two-three posts per week but I can’t promise that for the next while. I hope everyone understands and will let my name in your respective blog feed remain unbolded for a time, with the understanding that I fully intend to return when I can.

If you’ve ever wanted to write a post you think would fit with my topics here (raiding, guild leading, guilds, mages, classes with mana bars, pugs), please feel free to talk about it with me. I welcome any quality guest posts at this time and thank you for your patience while we figure out our travel plans and hope that Voss’ dad is going to be okay.

Comments on: "Intermission" (25)

  1. thinking about you guys

  2. *nostle*

    I wish I knew what to say to help. I’m definitely open to putting forth some fiction of a mage-like persuasion, or a post about being a low-level mage. *nom* Just hit me up.

  3. I’m really sorry to hear that 😦

    This seems to be happening an awful lot.. I suppose it’s something you aren’t really told as a kid, as opposed to something that’s suddenly happening a lot, but hearing bad news never seems to get easier, whether it’s somebody you know or not. I did consider sending you both a message over twitter, but I thought perhaps it would be nicer here, where it’s expected. I imagine it’s nice to keep twitter as a little bit of an escape?

    I get rambly when I’m tired, sorry, what I’m trying to say is that you both have my deepest condolences, I couldn’t even imagine having to go through anything so heart wrenching, and my best wishes that he pulls through. *hugs for you both*

  4. Oh, that’s just so tough. I’ve gone through similar things with both parents (my Dad is still causing trouble), and the distance was one of the single hardest things to deal with — and I was only an hour away.

    My thoughts are with your family, and hope things go as well as they can.

  5. Vid, you and Voss and Voss’ dad are in our thoughts.

    If you need to contact me for anything –or even just to blow off steam– you know where to find me.

  6. We’re praying for you guys – if either of you need to vent, or have someone to talk to, let us know, okay?

  7. Ergh, I hope everything is going smoothly.. my thoughts are with you and Voss and Voss’ dad. *hugs* Take your time, we’ll be here.

  8. Very sorry to hear this. Good luck to your and your family on getting through a very tough time.

    Don’t worry about the blog – we will all be here when you return.

  9. *hugs hugs and more hugs*

    I am hoping for the successful 50%. There is always hope. I am sure he knows he is loved and the hardest thing about cancer is knowing you are not in control of what your body is doing. The best thing you can do is try and beat it.

    Stay strong and don’t worry about the costs of the trips. Just take them, take the time off, be with your family, love them, adore them, spend all the time you can feasibly spend with them. Take as many pictures as you can, make photo albums, you name it.

    *big bear hugs*

  10. Oh, Vid, how horribly stressed you must be. ((hug))

    Just the other day I threw my then-level 15 Tauren Paladin into LFD as a tank. I’ve been considering continuing to level her that way, so maybe the post I was thinking about writing for my own blog on the subject would be better used as a guest post for you. Let me know if you want me to send it your way if and when I ever get it written.

  11. Though the family member in question was different, I’ve gone through something similar. I hope you and Voss get nothing but great news about this.

    No matter what happens, just know that most of us would rather have a happy Vid not posting than an unhappy Vid who posts everyday. Voss and his family, as well as your own, are there for you, but please remember that your nerdy WoW-blogging family is here for you too.

  12. No wonder you’ve seemed so troubled lately. 😦 /hug

    Well, I’ll definitely be sending my well wishes along to you both, and to Voss’s dad. Hopefully things will start to look better soon for you, and in the meantime, I hope it’s helpful for you to know we’re all thinking of you.

  13. Best of luck to you… I hope everything turns out ok!

  14. /target Vid
    /target Voss
    /cast Big Hug

    Best wishes, you guys.

  15. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by fallen tree, Vidyala. Vidyala said: Intermission […]

  16. You both have my sympathy. My own father had cancer two years ago with similar odds – and he’s still running marathons.

    Best of luck to Voss’s dad, to you both, and to your family.

  17. Best wishes from me too. *fingers crossed*

  18. I really hope things turn out okay – thinking of all of you. Don’t worry about us, we’ll wait 🙂

  19. My thoughts are with your family. Hopefully everything works out okay.

  20. I’m so sorry to hear this – my mother passed away (only 56 yrs old) last year when I was 28 weeks pregnant after 2 years of battling and she to was ridiculously healthy and the last person I would have expected to not make it through.

    This period of uncertainty is truly miserable – the only part more miserable is the saying goodbye at the end. I stopped blogging and playing completely for a couple of months after this – getting through work pretty much sapped all my energy.

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed for good results and treatment!!!

  21. So sorry to hear about Voss’s father. Best wishes for him and your families.

    We’ll hold down the fort. /hugs and cookies

  22. I’m really sorry to hear that, best of luck to Voss’ dad. I hope things go well for him.

    My grandma passed away after years of sickness last year and WoW was the last thing on my mind. It really made me focus on my family for a while. Going through something this traumatic realigns priorities for a while.

    Take your time. The internet and the game aren’t going anywhere.

  23. I only read this today because I was a bit behind on my RSS news reader, but even though I’m not a regular commenter, I’m a regular reader and I wished to sayI’m sorry to hear these news.
    I hope that everything will be alright for him and for you and Voss. *hugs*
    Keep hoping! 50% is not little, especially considered Voss’ dad is a person with such a healthy lifestyle. 🙂

  24. Rochmoninoff said:

    Been a while since I checked the goings-on @ Manalicious only to find this terrible news.
    I pray things turn out well for your father-in-law.
    My wife is a cancer survivor and I lost my father to cancer. I seems like a never ending struggle.

  25. I just started following today, but I’m sorry to hear about this. Best wishes to you and yours. You seem like a really great person, I can only imagine the same of the people around you.

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