Mages, ten-man raiding, and other things that are awesome.

Once a Paladin, not necessarily always a Paladin, but still grateful nonetheless.

December was a big month for blog birthdays! Mine was actually December 11th, but as Rades put it, I felt a bit like the kid whose birthday is on Christmas. Cataclysm had just come out, I don’t think anyone was paying much attention to blog birthdays. Now it’s been one year (and just over a month) since I first made that little paladin and started pugging. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. You might read that and think, “Oh, Vid. Pugging was so hard for you, what an ordeal! Now you are going to complain about how hard it was.”

Nope, that’s not what I mean at all. What I mean is that I had no idea how richly rewarding blogging was going to be for me. I still remember my jaw dropping when I saw that Lath at HoTs & DoTs had linked to me. It was my first link! Later, Tam also linked to me, and I have shared links with many other awesome bloggers in the time since. It would be easy to say that I was frustrated by the actions of puggers as I leveled Vid, and it would probably be true. But it would be more true to say that I have been astounded by the generosity, warmth, and welcome shown by the blogging community. I didn’t know what I was missing. For each person in a pug who did or said something outrageous, there have been many more people who have commiserated with me about it, or gave a kind word.

I’ve made friends, colleagues, and cohorts. I used to enjoy reading blogs, now I truly can’t wait to hear what folks are saying because in many cases I feel I know the people behind them. I have the utmost respect for all of you and I can’t thank you enough for helping make the past year such an enjoyable one.

If you’ve ever left me a comment, or linked to me, or mentioned a post of mine on Twitter, or even just read – thank you.

You probably know that Larisa at Pink Pigtail Inn has been holding her annual awards – for instances, blogs, and noteworthy events alike. She’s honored me by choosing me as the winner for Biggest Blog Facelift. It really means so much to me, because I was incredibly anxious about moving from Pugging Pally. I was afraid I’d become a pariah – that people who only read my blog thinking I was a pally would stop reading it, or that people who only wanted to hear funny pug stories would realize I’d stopped writing those and just stop reading altogether. I wondered if I’d lose all readers and just be talking to myself. I worried about those things, but I tried to press on and hope for the best. I hoped that a few people would still be interested.

I worked really hard to make Manalicious an inviting place and to keep writing here consistently to show that I was serious about keeping my blog and I wasn’t just a “gimmick” writer, good for writing about pugs and that’s it! There’ve been times where I wondered whether I’d succeeded, and made the right decision. I think it was the right decision and again I owe thanks to people who supported me, changed their links, blogrolls, feedreaders, and continued to comment although my subject matter had changed.

Thank you all. Thanks to my guild members, too, who always tell me if I’ve written something they liked, and even for reading and being patient with me when I want to write about them or guild stuff in general. Thanks guys. I can’t say it enough times.

It was Windsoar who started the fine tradition of offering a “muse” to celebrate her blogaversary – I love the musing, but I don’t think I’d do as good a job of it! What I am going to do instead is a quick (literally, I am limiting my time spent on these to a set amount, I think about five to ten minutes each) drawing for folks who comment on this entry. I really do want to do something tangible to thank you for your support.

If you’d like a small black and white character portrait sketch, all you have to do is:

  • Leave a comment on this entry.
  • Include a link to your character’s armory.
  • Have commented before. (I don’t know how many people will comment so I have to put some restriction. I’d like to give these to people who have taken the time to share a bit of themselves. If I have to “confirm” your comment it’s out, unless there aren’t too many).

I have in my head a semi-limit of how many of these I’ll do, but I’ll try to do one for everyone who wants one. It might take a bit of time. But then again, you’ve stuck with me for this long, so I imagine you’re willing to wait a little longer too!

Comments on: "One year and One Month: A Blogaversary!" (50)

  1. Since I just recently started reading this blog (SHAME ON ME!) I’ll defer the kind offer to next year when I’ve piled on some reader seniority. I’ll be here if you will! 🙂

    As Ratters would say, big hairy congo rats to ya!

    • Thanks Grimm! And psht, that’s okay, you can have one! Just because we just met doesn’t mean we can’t be pals. Or as a guildie of mine is fond of saying, “Heyyy buddddy…”

  2. Happy 1+1 Blogoversary, Vid! I’m glad the move to Manalicious has worked out as well as it has. I know it was nerve-wracking but I definitely think it was the right decision! 😀

    I always enjoy your posts, whether it’s pugging hilarity, raid leader contemplations or fun paladin contests. 😉 You’ve got a great, friendly writing style that makes everyone want to come and hang out and enjoy some freshly conjured strudel. (Or cake, I suppose it is now.)

    Looking forward to many more art posts, mana baking recipes and other assorted Draenified goodness!

  3. Happy Blogiversary, Vid!

    Oh, and you ought to check your e-mail. 😉

  4. Congratulations on your first year! I’m really glad you decided to make the switch–you’re one of the warmest bloggers I know!


  5. Congrats on the blogaversary and counting! I’ll echo Rades and say that it has never mattered to me what you write about. It’s all been great fun to read and I am looking forward to more!

    I obviously have some very fine artwork of Alas already, but I have this pesky dinosaur who is begging for a sketch. If you have the time, of course. 😉

  6. Congratulations! I’ve always looked forward to seeing your posts pop up in my feed reader, regardless of the topic. You attract readers because you have a wonderful writing style.

    I’m not sure what email address I used before to comment on your site, since I’ve recently switched blogs too, so I may not be “eligible”, but here’s the a wowarmory link anyways.

    WowArmory Link

  7. Woo, blog birthdays!

    At least you’re doing something for yours, I just sort of let mine slide by becuase…uh…am not always good at pre-planning these things. 😀

    I look forward to reading more posts with adooooorable pictures.

  8. You’re ridiculously adorable. ❤ As if we'd think you were a gimmick writer after all those awesome non-pugging posts you made!

    If you feel the urge, you may draw Mattie, my gnome priest. She has freckles, though you can’t see it on the model. 😐

    BUT! Regardless of that, you know I love you bunches and bunches. I’m SO psyched for you that you won! You totally deserve it, your blog looks AWESOME, and I love seeing all your pretty arts. ❤

  9. Happy Blogaversary! I remember reading all those exciting Pugging Pally adventures! But you can always continue them here since I’m sure you will eventually still pug on Vid at 85! I’ve also enjoyed all the foodie recipes and the draenei love since my resto shaman is a draenei!

    And speaking of which….an opportunity for a Vid sketch? HOLY MOLY count me in!

    She’s a draenei with the sexy “bob” haircut so she should be pretty easy 😛 Any amount of time is worth waiting for Vid art!

  10. Happy anniversary, and here’s to many more. I love reading your stuff, both your blog posts and your tweets!

    If you’re up for drawing a Tauren, I’d love to see one of Linedan. Armory link is right here: Linedan

  11. congratulations on the anniversary, Vid!

    and I’m sure people have followed because you’re a fun writer who writes about interesting, funny things – and also cookie recipes. (this is becoming my favorite part)

    also I’m mobile so the sketch beggi- I mean, polite requesting – will have to be a thing for another time!

    good luck on another year of conjurations!

    (Visper of Medivh)

  12. Happy blogoversary! The WoW internet is a better place for having you here, be it as a pally, a mage, or a maker of awesome cookies!

  13. Happy Blogoversary! I’m still new to the blogging scene but it’s always exciting to find out you’ve posted something new here. Looking forward to another year!

  14. I AM secretly plotting against you. I will take your uniqueness and make it part of my collective.

    … but in the meantime, I would adore a quickie sketch from you. I’m a huge fan of your art and your blog, and I wish you many more years of satisfaction and fame from it all. 🙂


  15. Grats on a year and a month! I only recently stumbled across your blog and I love it. You’ve entertained me with your cool artwork and for that I thank you! I celebrate a year in 12 days myself and I’ll be having a fun ingame celebration. Heres to many more years for the both of us! /toast

  16. Happy Blog-Birthday! 🙂

    One year is really impressive and it seems you’ve learned a lot during it as well. I’ve only just begun in the whole Blog-scene of WoW but I find blogs like yours quite enjoyable really. 🙂

    So keep up the good posts and I am looking forward to reading more of your work 🙂


  17. I want one!

    What’s that? You already did one because you wrote that post about the guild a while back and are awesome? Well fine then.

    (Congratulations! And double thanks for introducing me to blogging!)

  18. Yey! Happy blogoversary! I do love your writing, and both this and the Pugging Pally blog. In fact, you could say that your blog inspired me to start blogging (which is true, because it did).

    And I love all the neat art you post around. And the fact your site has neat designs and also delicious recipes. :3

    Here’s an armory link below, (who isn’t Misha, since you already did an awesome drawing of her!), but if you get too many sketch requests you should do someone else’s, since I already got an awesome drawing. XD

  19. Congratulations and Happy Blogaversary!

    I didn’t start reading Pugging Pally until Vid was near or already at 80, so I pretty much missed all of the epic PuG stories and have been reading and hanging around for all the wonderful “everything else” you write about (including the awesome Mage Recipes).

    Because you’ve already done a drawing for me, you can shuffle me to the bottom of the list, too — but if you do get the time, how about a sketch of my BE Mage, Kaelinda? ( — or screenshots in my most recent blog posts)

  20. Firstly, congrats on both the PPI award.
    Secondly, congrats on the blogiversary.
    Thirdly, I’d be a fool to pass up this opportunity! 🙂

    I should probably do my mage, Darthregis, but somehow I’m feeling that my Orc Deathknight looks more bad ass.

    Decayedregis –

  21. Many hearts and well wishes for even more Manaliciousness. You’re a joy to read, Vid.

  22. Congrats on the blogversiry, and keep up the good work. I’d draw you an avatar, but draenei stick-women tend to look like demons in biker boots…

  23. Vid – happy blogiversary! Your anniversary post, while not on your actual anniversary DID happen to fall on my real life birthday! Woot!

    If you are still in the sketch-phase, I’d love one of Rhii. I can’t actually leave you an armory link, as she’s in process of server transfer and her armory hasn’t caught up yet. You will eventually find her here:

    Oh, and she’s a draenei again. Much rejoicing, right?

  24. Congratulations! I’ll be sure to pass your thanks on to Lathere when I see her next 🙂

  25. Congratulations to your blogaversary! If you’d ever get inspiration to draw a pink pigtailed gnome you could might want to use my character as a model. She’s hereísa/advanced

    But only if you really feel like it. Cheers!

  26. /crosses fingers that this doesn’t get trapped in the spam filter like always 😛

    Congratulations on the blogaversary Vid! Ever since I first stumbled upon Pugging Pally (sadly I don’t remember where I found the link, most likely either link love or a BA event), I’ve been hooked on your writing. You’re posts have seriously been the highlight of a few of my days and actually one reason why I rolled my shaman and decided to level her as a healer though LFG.

    Here’s to many more enjoyable times!

    And if you feel like doing a sketch of Deyndor, feel free. If you don’t have time, I’d completely understand.

  27. Congrats on your blogaversary, even if it is a little late 😉 Your blog and your artwork is awesome and amazing, keep it up mate!

    (pst, you already gave me pressies so I’ll pass my drawing to the next comment 😉

    • Heh – those aussies all posting together… if you look to the left you can already see Vid’s work for me – so onto the next 🙂

  28. Gratz Vid – it’s been an awesome year of reading and I’ve even kept on following despite not knowing what a Mage is – they’re the ones with demon pets aren’t they?
    Glad to see another make it longer than me and wish you all the best for the next years! Keep it up!

  29. Grats on your (a little over) 1 year blogoversary! I’m a big fan, and look forward to reading many more posts!

  30. Grats, Vid! I’m not sure if I count as a commenter — not sure if I’ve commented much on Manalicious yet.

    If I do count, and if you’ve not gotten enough requests yet, and can bear to sketch a warlock (we’re too fabulous, I know), Pone would be honored for one. =P Or Bheezhem, her felpup, since the default human chick pose sucks.

  31. Moonspeaker said:

    Congratulations! I don’t think I’ve commented before, but I greatly enjoyed your pugging stories, and I like the new blog too. Nice tips for my mage alt. And ❤ the artwork!

  32. I just wanted to say congratulations on the blogiversary – I had no idea you were so anxious about moving from the pugging pally. I’m sure you’ll be read, and loved, from wherever you’re blogging. Also please don’t sketch Tam – even if you spent 5 minutes on every commenter you’re still looking at several hours of your life. And if I’d have thought drawing Tam was in any way interesting to anybody I’d have attempted to comission you long before now 🙂

  33. Nochecazador said:

    Happy Anniversary. 🙂 Congrats on the first year and you make horns look cute in or out. 😛

  34. *hug*

    That is all 🙂

    PS: Not that a Vid original wouldn’t be a wonderful thing, but should any of my characters feel the need for a portrait, I’ll commission one from you!

  35. Hi Vidyala! Happy Blogaversary! \\^O^//

    I admit I only posted here once before; I’m the psychologist who commented on your post about videogames as useful instruments to teach children (and not-children) the values of cooperation, teamwork and so on.
    Therefore, you absolutely don’t have to make a pic of my Darah if you don’t feel like to/don’t have the time for! I won’t resent you. 😉

    I’ve only been reading your posts since shortly before the move from Pugging Pally to Manalicious, but despite being a priest myself, I always enjoyed both your writing, your art and your thought-provoking posts a lot!
    Besides, I’m a Psychologist but also a professional baker (kinda like the Chocolate movie? XD), and I love both Draenei and baking, so what’s not to adore about your blog? ^__~

    Once again, have a Happy Blogaversary and let’s raise our glasses to Manalicious and to more years of wonderful blogging! ((^__^))

  36. Happy blogoversary! 🙂

    I have to admit I was slightly unhappy and hesitant when you made the switch because I really loved the pug stories and well… I don’t really play my mage or any of my dps alts much, and while your cooking recipes absolutely amaze me, I don’t do much cooking myself etc., so I wasn’t at all sure whether you’d consider writing posts that are of interest to me. But you have, and your writing style is still clever, charming and accessible as ever.

    If you don’t already have too many requests, I would love to see your take on Shintar the troll priest, just without the hat.

  37. Joyeux Anniversaire, Millya. Désolé, tu es peut-être Vid pour le reste de la communauté, mais pour moi tu seras toujours bien plus le mage kamikaze dans Alterac Valley. 🙂

    A toast, to one year of great work, dumb pugs, delicious recipes I got to taste and to many more years to come!

  38. WoW hat was quick huh…;)

    I know a little bit how you feel even though I’m far from my own bloggaversary yet – but I’ve just said some thanks of my own on my blog and I want to congratulate you on your win and bloggaversary! big Gratz! =)

    not looking for a picture sketch either, it seems you’ll have plenty to do there, hehe.

  39. I don’t think I’ve commented before, and I certainly don’t deserve a sketch 😉 but happy blogaversary and congratulations! I’ve enjoyed Vid’s adventures (silently) and was definitely happy to move with you here – that award was very well deserved.

    Looking forward to more fun posts in 2011!

  40. […] Happy belated blog birthday to Vidyala over at Manalicious! If you didn’t read her pugging stories they are definitely worth the time as is the new blog. […]

  41. Happy 1 1/12 Blogday!

  42. […] from Manalicious offered 5-minute sketches to commenters on her Blogaversary post. I’ve been a long-time fan of her lovely WOW art, so this really excited me. I don’t […]

  43. Late as usual, but congrats on the anniversary from another very happy reader who followed you here from Pugging Pally and has continued to be very happy indeed. You’re a pleasure to read and I love the art too. Thank you.

  44. Congrats on your blogaversary! I remember reading Pugging Pally… So many great stories, haha. Then, when you changed to a mage blog, it just so happened that my alt was a mage (my main being a pally =P). It all works out!

  45. This is a bit late, but I’d like to say:

    I first came upon your blog through Tam’s link. I found your stories and your way of telling them extremely warm and engaging, and I loved your sense of humor (it comes out both in how you blog and even your screenshot captions!). There was no question of my continuing to read your posts even when you moved to Manalicious.

    Congratulations on your blogaversary and your Best Facelift award, and may your lovely posts continue!

  46. […] back, Vidyala at Manalicious had a blogoversary. To thank her readers, she offered to do five minute sketches of those who commented on the […]

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